Arrival & Dismissal Times and Procedures

Start and Dismissal Times

Start time:  8:00 a.m.
Dismissal time:  2:44 p.m.


Bus Procedures

  • The bus loop is in the staff parking lot, located off of Taft Road.
  • Students riding the bus will be dropped off at the building entrance off of Taft Road.
  • Parents or guardians will receive School Messenger updates in the event of late busses.
  • At dismissal, students who ride the bus will board the busses in the same location where they were dropped off.
  • If you need additional information regarding busses or need to request a bus, please contact our Transportation Department at 248-449-1245.

Drop-off/ Pick-Up Procedures

The Express Student Drop-Off area is located in the 10 Mile Road parking lot.  The 10 Mile Road student parking lot has been reconstructed and redesigned to allow a designated parent drop-off area.  This area will help with the traffic flow and allow our students to be dropped off safely.