Attendance Policy

Michigan law requires students age six to sixteen to attend school the entire school year (MCL 380.1561). Students are expected to attend school every day school is in session.
Students are to arrive before the start of the school day and stay until the scheduled end of their school day. If a student is unable to attend school, the student or parent/guardian must report that absence to the school’s attendance line.

Novi High School 24-hour Attendance Line: 248-449-1501

  • To Report an Absence Press 1
  • To Request an Early Release Press 2
  • To Report a Late Arrival Press 3

Please make sure to state a reason for the absence and spell your student's name clearly.

Students/Parents/Guardians are expected to:
  • Sign out of school at the office if leaving school during the school day. (K-8 students must be signed out by a parent/guardian prior to leaving the building.)
  • Make alternative class work arrangements with their teacher/building administrator. Make up work that is assigned for the instructional time that has been missed.

For more information, see Policy 5301.