Academic Integrity Policy HS
Novi High School Academic Integrity Procedures for Students
Novi High School is committed to the academic, social, and ethical development of each member of our learning community. The functions of the academic integrity procedures are to communicate the meaning and importance of intellectual honesty to all students, ensure accurate grade reporting, and to articulate consequences for those who fail to live up to the school standards.
Academic Integrity:
Integrity is demonstrated by students when:
● students submit their own work for tests and assignments without unauthorized assistance,
● students do not provide unauthorized assistance to others,
● students report their research or accomplishments accurately,
● and the ideas and writing of others are properly cited.
Types of Academic Misconduct:
● Submitting work created by another person as your own work, including:
○ Using another’s words or ideas without proper citation
○ Having another person complete work assigned to you
○ Copying another person’s work or assignment
● Unauthorized use or possession of:
○ A cheat sheet or reference materials,
○ Digital resources including mobile devices (screenshots, websites, photomath, etc.)
○ Prior assessments as a reference
○ Copies of assessments (paper, digital image, or recording)
○ A confidential answer key or teacher’s copy of materials
● Providing assessment information to other students or providing your work to other students
● Changing a grade or attendance record in a teacher’s record book
● Submitting multiple versions of an assessment when only one is permitted
● Representing your work or efforts dishonestly to a staff member
The classroom teacher initiates the following consequences. Administration reserves the right to modify these consequences where the severity of the offense warrants.
For All Instances:
● Teacher will keep a record and inform parents of incidents.
● Teacher may require secure assessment protocols for future tasks.
● Teacher may alter the format of a redo or retake.
● Teacher may require student to develop a reasonable plan, including more learning tasks, to earn a redo.
For Summative Assessments:
These consequences refer to instances of academic misconduct across all classes in total, not within each course.
This progression does not reset each year.
1. First instance across all courses: teacher contacts guardian, logs incident on NHS Academic Misconduct Form, enters grade of incomplete, and allows redo of assignment for full credit.
2. Second instance across all courses: teacher contacts guardian, logs incident on NHS Academic Misconduct Form, enters grade of incomplete, and allows redo of assignment with up to a 20% penalty. Student meets with administrator and reviews AI procedures with guardian.
a. NHS staff may refuse to act as references or may describe the academic misconduct in any
recommendation. 3. Third instance across all courses: teacher contacts guardian, logs incident on NHS Academic Misconduct Form, enters grade of incomplete. A formal conference with stakeholders and implementation of a behavior plan determines consequences.
a. Behavior plan can include loss of credit, detentions, suspensions, academic probation, and removal
of school privileges such as extra curricular activities.
b. NHS counselors completing references (i.e. common app, letters, etc.) will outline the pattern of
academic misconduct in their reports
Violations Requiring Immediate Administration Referral:
The following would result in more severe consequences, such as suspension or loss of assessment credit.
● Theft, posting, or distribution of an answer key or test copy (takes photo, etc.)
● Alteration of academic record
● Actions that invalidate the assessment’s integrity for all students (posting answers online, etc.)
Students and Parents/Guardians:
Please be familiar with these NHS Academic Integrity Procedures. Be aware that violations of these procedures are recorded and considered when staff are asked to act as a reference for students. Please read and sign the Honor Pledge below.
NHS Honor Pledge
I have read and understand the Novi High School Academic Integrity Procedures. I pledge to maintain a high level of academic integrity as a student representing Novi High School. I will submit only my own, authentic, original work and will acknowledge all sources used or referenced in my work. If I am unsure whether something constitutes misconduct, I will consult my teacher before I submit the assignment. I will not lie, cheat, plagiarize, or be complicit with those who do. I understand and accept the explanations and consequences of misconduct described in the Novi High School Academic Integrity Procedures.
I make this pledge in support of the Novi Community School District’s vision of students who are passionate, empowered, and prepared for their world and their future.
Name (printed):
Date: ___________________________________