Parking Contract

NHS Student Parking Contract

  •  “Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not of right. The Novi Community School District retains its authority to conduct routine patrols of student parking lot and inspections of exteriors of student’s vehicles parked on school property. Such patrols and inspections may be conducted without notice, without student consent and without a search warrant. The interiors of student’s vehicles may be inspected whenever a school official has reason to suspect (“reasonable suspicion”) that illegal or unauthorized materials are contained inside.” Board Policy 5140. Adopted: 4/18/84 Amended: 5/17/01    All automobiles must be registered and must display a current parking decal in the lower windshield, on the drivers’ side. Parking passes will cost $60.00 per sticker and replacement stickers will cost $5.00. Only students with a valid driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance will qualify for a parking permit.
  •  Students who do not display a parking decal will be fined the cost stated on the ticket. If the car is registered or a new decal is purchased within one week of when the ticket is written the fine will go towards the registration or decal fee. Failure to register the car within one week will result in paying both the registration fee and the fine.
  •  Students with a registered vehicle and a decal properly displayed will be allowed to park in any of the three parking lots designated for students (south, west and north lots) only. Failure to follow this rule will result in suspension of parking privileges.
  •  Students may not sell, trade, or loan parking decals. This action will result in the loss of parking privileges for the year for both parties involved. If a student does not have current parking privileges they may lose parking privileges for the following school year.
  •  Failure to drive appropriately on school property may result in the loss of parking privileges (speed limit is 15 miles per hour in all high school parking lots).
  •  If a student changes cars during the school year, the car must be re-registered with Mrs. Warra in Rm. 171, directly across from the Testing Center, and a decal must be displayed. If the change is short term (2 weeks or less), students are expected to receive a temporary pass through the Assistant Principal assigned to parking or the parking lot attendant.
  •  Students are not permitted to go to their cars during the school day without the permission of an administrator. Students may not loiter in the parking lots before or after school.
  •  The administration will investigate violations of school rules involving the parking lots and/or automobiles including requiring students to show all of the contents of the automobile whenever a school official has reasonable grounds to believe that illegal or unauthorized materials are contained inside.
  • Exterior building doors leading to the south and west parking lots will be locked at 8:15 a.m. each morning. Any student that arrives to school past 8:15 a.m. or leaves and returns to campus during school hours must park in the north lot and enter through the east atrium doors.



I agree to abide by the above parking lot regulations at Novi High School while parking a vehicle on campus. I understand that the failure to comply with said regulations may result in loss of parking permits and that registration fees will not be refunded if parking privileges are revoked.  I have also read and agree to the Parking Procedures and Rules, available on the high school website under Documents/ Forms/Newsletters in the Parking Documents section and I understand the consequences for parking lot violations listed therein.


____________________________        __________          ____________________________        __________

Student Signature                                        Date                       Parent/Guardian Signature                      Date



____________________________                                         ____________________________

Student Name                                                                              Parent/Guardian Name

(please print)                                                                                    (please print)