2025-2026 Course Catalog
Message to Students and Parents/Guardians
This catalog provides students and parents with essential information about the classes and curriculum at Novi High School. We encourage students to explore various courses while considering their future college and career paths to avoid schedule changes.
Novi High School offers a wide range of classes and activities aimed at developing well-rounded students. Choosing electives that align with their interests and future plans will help students focus their education and explore career options.
The schedule is based on course selections from the previous year, limiting opportunities for changes once set. Any necessary changes to core classes must be requested through a schedule correction form at August registration, and are subject to academic justification. Requests based on lunch preferences, teachers, or friends cannot be accommodated.
We aim to provide a meaningful and memorable high school experience for all students and their families in Wildcat Country!
General Information
- Academic Eligibility for Athletics
- Academic Honor Roll
- Attendance
- Counseling Services
- Early Completion
- Grading
- Homebound Services
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Personal Curriculum
- Report Cards
- Seal of Biliteracy
Academic Eligibility for Athletics
Previous Academic Credit Record (MHSAA):
At least 66 percent of full credit load potential for a full-time student for the last semester during which he or she shall have been enrolled in grades 9 to 12, inclusive. A student entering the 9th grade for the first time may compete without reference to his/her record in the 8th grade. Period of ineligibility under this rule (60 scheduled school days).
Current Academic Credit Record (MHSAA):
Academic eligibility checks of not more than 10 weeks (semesters) are required. If a student is not passing at least 66 percent of full credit load potential for a full-time student when checked, that student is ineligible for interscholastic scrimmages and contests until the next check but not less than for the next Monday through Sunday. If the next eligibility check reveals the student is still not passing at least 66 percent of full credit load potential for a full-time student, that student is ineligible for interscholastic scrimmages and contests for not less than the next Monday through Sunday, and so on until the student is passing 66 percent of full-credit load potential for a full-time student in courses enrolled in from the start of the current semester through the most recent eligibility check.
Academic Honor Roll
Students who achieve a 3.5 unweighted grade point average (GPA), or better, for the academic school year are part of the Honor Roll. Students who maintain a 3.5 unweighted GPA are encouraged to pursue membership in the National Honor Society. An academic letter is available for purchase in Attendance Office B to students who meet the Honor Roll criteria.
Research shows that the single greatest factor contributing to student achievement is attendance at school. While a student who is absent from school may be able to cover a missed chapter, copy missed notes, complete a missed assignment and receive help after school, other important aspects of a lesson that will make a difference to learning cannot be retrieved. Discussion, recitation, listening, note taking, questions, explanations, and clarifications are among the important interactions that cannot be retrieved despite the most sincere efforts at make-up work. Student success depends on a solid educational background, and such a background can only be gained through regular school attendance. Please familiarize yourself with the high school’s current Attendance Policy, located on the Novi High School webpage.
Counseling Services
Counselors, teachers, administrators, and support staff work together to help students prepare for life after high school. Counselors are here to support students academically, personally, and socially. You can contact your counselor for help with:
- Academic Support
- Alternative Education Options
- Armed Services Opportunities
- Career Planning Resources
- College Applications and Planning Information
- College Representative Visits
- Crisis Support
- Dual Enrollment Opportunities
- Four Year Plan and Scheduling
- Graduation Audits
- Interpersonal Counseling and Referrals/Social-Emotional Support
- NCAA Eligibility Center
- New Student Registration
- Oakland Schools Technical Campus (OSTC)
- Online Learning Opportunities
- Scholarship/Financial Aid Information
- Summer School Information
- Transcript Requests
Early Completion
Seniors may complete their senior year prior to their graduating class if all graduation requirements have been met and all state endorsed proficiencies have been attained. Students who wish to complete early should consult with their counselor and complete the “early completion application” by October 1 of their senior year. Early completion students may attend any senior activities and will receive their diploma with the rest of their class at the graduation ceremony.
Grading System
Students will receive both a weighted and an unweighted grade point average (GPA) on their transcript. The GPA will only differ if AP or IB coursework has been taken. Note that plusses and minuses appear on the transcript, but do not affect the GPA calculation. Passing marks for both unweighted and weighted are A+ through D-. Please note: Novi High School does NOT calculate exact rank.
Unweighted Four Point Scale:
A+, A, A- = 4
B+, B, B- = 3
C+, C, C- = 2
D+, D, D- = 1
E= 0
Weighted Scale for Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate coursework:
A+, A, A- = 5
B+, B, B- = 4
C+, C, C- = 3
D+, D, D- = 2
E= 0
Grades posted as “Incomplete” or “I” will revert to an “E” grade after a period of one semester. If the incomplete grade has not been changed, an “E” will be placed on the transcript. A teacher retains the right to change the “E” grade at a later date if circumstances warrant the change.
Grade Appeals
Students have until the end of the next semester to meet with their teacher regarding a grade challenge. This opportunity is forfeited after one semester.
Repeated Coursework
Coursework may not be repeated once a student has earned credit in the course unless the course catalog specifically states it may be repeated for credit in the course description. If a student receives a failing grade and does not earn credit, they may retake the course to earn credit. The new grade will not replace the original grade. Both grades will be factored into the GPA and both will be reflected on the transcript. Courses retaken through a credit recovery program receive a grade of credit (RC) or no credit (NC) and do not factor into the GPA.
Homebound Services
Homebound and hospitalized services are designed to provide continuity of educational services for students with medical conditions that prevent them from physically attending school for a period of time during a school year. Parents are responsible for notifying the school district when the student is going to be homebound or hospitalized for a period longer than five (5) school days. Parents should contact their child’s counselor for additional information and paperwork should they believe their child may qualify for services.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Evening parent-teacher conferences are scheduled each semester. Parents may sign up to meet with their student's teachers. This is an opportunity for parents to check in with teachers regarding student progress and academic program requirements and expectations. If additional time is needed, private conferences can be arranged with teachers during their conference period.
Personal Curriculum
The Personal Curriculum (PC) is an option a student or family can explore as a way to modify certain graduation requirements and earn a diploma. The high school diploma is documentation that the student has met the expectations and possesses the knowledge and skills necessary for postsecondary success. The purpose of secondary education is to prepare students for life after high school. Any modification to a student’s graduation requirements needs to be consistent with this purpose. See your counselor for additional information about PCs.
Report Cards
Students will receive academic report cards at the end of each semester to inform parents and students of academic progress. The semester report card is the final grade for each course and indicates the student’s grade and credit earned. All classes are graded using cumulative scoring/grading. Current student progress can be monitored via Schoology.
Past Report Cards can be viewed in the PowerSchool Parent or Student Portal in the Student Reports Tab.
Seal of Biliteracy
The Michigan Seal of Biliteracy has been created to recognize high school graduates who exhibit language proficiency in English and at least one additional world language. The Seal has been created to encourage students to study world languages and embrace their native and heritage languages. The Seal will provide employers with a way to identify individuals with strong language and biliteracy skills. For more information, please see the Counseling Schoology Group.
Scheduling Information
- Important Scheduling Information
- AP/IB Coursework
- Course Prerequisites
- Courses Requiring a Special Application
- Schedule Corrections
- Scheduling a College Prep Curriculum
- Senior Math-Related Classes
- Summer Work
- Visual, Performing & Applied Arts Credit (VPA)
Important Scheduling Information
Course selection is one of the most important processes that a high school student will undertake. Choosing the correct courses (along with teacher, parent, and counselor input) is key to a successful high school and post-secondary experience. The master schedule is based upon student course selections. Therefore, changing courses at a later date is not guaranteed. Please read this entire course catalog for the most updated information regarding scheduling. Select Scheduling to see the timeline for course selection for the coming school year.
AP/IB Coursework
Advanced Placement (AP) Program:
The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program gives high school students an opportunity to pursue college level studies while still in high school. Some colleges award college credit and/or advanced standing if the student achieves a particular score on the AP exam. AP courses run for two semesters unless otherwise specified below. The AP Capstone Diploma can be pursued by students who qualify. Information can also be found online at https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-capstone
- AP Biology
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Chemistry
- AP Computer Science A
- AP English Language & Composition
- AP English Literature & Composition
- AP Environmental Science
- AP European History
- AP French Language & Culture
- AP Japanese Language & Culture
- AP Macroeconomics (1 semester)
- AP Microeconomics (1 semester)
- AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- AP Psychology
- AP Research
- AP Seminar
- AP Spanish Language & Culture
- AP Statistics
- AP U.S. Government & Politics
- AP U.S. History
International Baccalaureate (IBDP) Diploma Programme:
The IB at the high school level is a comprehensive curriculum, based on international standards, which can complement and enhance an already rigorous curriculum. The IB Diploma Programme, as well as individual IB courses, are taught and well recognized around the world. If a student achieves the appropriate score within an IB course then some colleges will award college credit for the coursework. For more information please visit the Novi IB link at: https://hs.novi.k12.mi.us/teaching-and-learning/apib
- IB Biology HL1&2
- IB Business Management HL1&2
- IB Career Related Core
- IB French SL1&2
- IB German SL1&2
- IB History of the Americas HL2
- IB Japanese SL1&2
- IB Literature HL1&2
- IB Math Analysis & Approaches SL1&2
- IB Physics SL
- IB Spanish SL1&2
- IB Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL
- IB Theory of Knowledge
- IB Visual Art SL 1&2/HL1&2
- IB World History SL/HL1
International Baccalaureate Career-Related Programme (IBCP):
Students in the IBCP engage with a career related studies program that genuinely interests them while gaining transferable and lifelong skills in applied knowledge, critical thinking, communication and cross-cultural engagement.
In short, it is a program that allows students to develop: Career/technical skills (2 credits of career focused classes), Academic skills (2 DP courses as part of Novi grad requirements), and Employability skills (explicitly taught in our CP Personal and Professional Skills course)
AP/IB Workload:
The workload for these courses is equivalent to college courses. Students can expect up to 10 hours of homework per week for each AP or IB class taken. For example, one class would require 10 hours per week, while three classes would require 30 hours per week of homework.
Students are encouraged to select a balanced schedule, considering their out of school commitments and activities, learning style, and educational goals. Student well being is of utmost importance and taking on too much at once is not advised. Consult with your counselor about the rigor of your course load during March scheduling meetings.
Course Prerequisites
Many courses at Novi High School have prerequisites that must be satisfied before a student can move ahead (i.e.: Painting 1 before Painting 2, Biology before Human Anat & Physiology I). Also, most Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses have prerequisites. Please refer to the course listings in the Course Descriptions for specific prerequisite information. It is the responsibility of the student to familiarize themselves with prerequisite coursework and choose classes accordingly.
Courses Requiring a Special Application
The following courses require an application or special permission to enroll. Applications are available in the Counseling Schoology Group. Check deadlines and prerequisites carefully.
- Dual Enrollment: See your counselor
- English: Writing for Publications
- IB Diploma Program
- IB Career-Related Program
- IB Visual Art HL
- Journalism II: Yearbook
- Marketing: Store Operations
- Math Mentors
- Medical Careers Exploration
- Newspaper & Modern Media
- Oakland Schools Technical Campus coursework; must be a junior or senior
- Peer to Peer
- Teacher Cadet
- The Incubator
- TV News and Production
- Virtual Coursework
- Wildcat Writing Den
- Work-Based Learning: see Mrs. Moss for an application; must be a junior or senior.
Schedule Corrections
Students may request schedule corrections during August registration after receiving their schedule. For example, if a student completed a summer school class, they may need to contact their counselor to have a change made. Changes will be made if the student meets the prerequisites for the requested course and there is space in the requested course.
All core schedule changes must have parent approval. The counseling office will provide a schedule correction request form before each semester for students to submit schedule correction requests with parent permission.
All change of mind requests must be finalized by the end of the first week of the semester. Level change requests (i.e. moving from Honors Geometry to Geometry) must be finalized by the end of the second week of the semester. Requests for teacher or hour changes will not be accommodated.
Schedule adjustments during the senior year may impact college acceptance. The senior year schedule is used in the admissions process when a student applies to college. Therefore, it is recommended that the student contact colleges which have received an application to inform them of schedule changes, as offers could be rescinded based upon schedule changes.
Scheduling a College Prep Curriculum
Colleges and universities continue to stress the importance of students maintaining a strong curriculum in the five core areas of mathematics, science, language arts, social studies and world language. These courses, along with exploratory electives that are thoughtfully considered, will ensure a well-rounded student. We encourage students to refer to individual college websites for specific admission criteria. We also encourage students to attend college fairs, take college tours and see their counselor for any individual assistance they may need.
If a student chooses to take a math-related course then please understand that it may not meet university math requirements. Students should contact a university admissions representative if they have questions regarding math-related coursework.
- It is important to maintain a strong senior year schedule including core classes in order to meet university admissions requirements. Schedule changes may impact the college admission decision. Contact your admissions office before dropping core coursework.
University Admission Requirements
The state universities of Michigan have specific admission requirements for students who graduate from high school and wish to enter any four-year university. Please recognize that admission criteria varies from college to college. For specific information, students are encouraged to visit the websites of colleges they wish to apply to.
Students should have regular conversations with their counselor regarding college planning and college admissions. Thorough and up to date information is shared at the annual junior and senior meetings held by the counseling team.
Senior Math-Related Classes
Students must have four math credits (through Algebra II) to graduate. Students entering their senior year with only three math credits will need one full math or math-related credit in their senior year. Students with 3.5 or more credits can choose a .5 credit course as their senior math class. (Double dipping graduation requirements is not permitted.) If a student chooses to take a math-related course in place of a core math class, please understand that it may not meet university math requirements. Students should contact a university admissions representative if they have questions regarding math-related coursework.
Courses that may fulfill the senior math-related requirement for graduation:
- All Art classes
- All Accounting classes
- All Chemistry classes
- All Computer Programming classes
- All CTE classes
- All Finance classes
- All OSTC coursework
- All Physics classes
- AP Macro & Micro Economics
- Food Science
- Genetics and Medical Technology
- IB Business Management
- IB Sports, Exercise & Health Science
- Journalism II: Yearbook
- Life and Leadership
- Marketing: Store Operations
- Medical Math
- Newspaper & Modern Media
- Statistical Reasoning in Sports
- Study Skills
- The Incubator
- Work Based Learning
Summer Work
Please be aware that several of our AP and IB courses require completion of a summer packet or summer reading/writing assignments due upon return in the fall. Summer Work will be posted in the AP & IB Schoology Groups in June.
Join AP Schoology Group Code: JBQW-X6P8-CBN3W
Join IB Schoology Group Code: Q5XZ-W4XN-56DVH
Visual, Performing & Applied Arts Credit (VPA)
These courses may fulfill the graduation requirement for the Visual, Performing & Applied Arts credit. One full VPA credit is required for graduation.
- All Art classes
- All CTE classes
- All Dance & Music classes
- All OSTC Coursework
- Acting I & II
- AP Computer Science A
- Bake Shoppe
- Broadcast Communication
- Computer Applications
- Computer Programming I & II
- Creative Writing & Poetry
- Debate
- Early Childhood Education
- Food & Culture
- Food Science
- IB Business Management
- Journalism I
- Journalism II: Yearbook
- Marketing I
- Marketing: Sports/Fashion/Entertainment
- Marketing: Store Operations
- Medical Careers
- Newspaper & Modern Media
- Peer to Peer
- Practical Public Speaking
- Teacher Cadet
- Theater Arts
- TV News & Production
Alternative Opportunities
There are a number of opportunities for students to earn credits toward high school graduation. The following options may be used for either advancement or credit recovery.
- Accelerated College Experience (ACE)
- Career Preparation High School
- Community Volunteer Service (CVS)
- Credit Recovery
- Dual Enrollment
- Oakland Schools Technical Campus (OSTC)
- Summer School
- Virtual Options
Accelerated College Experience (ACE)
Oakland ACE is an early college program for students in Oakland County districts, and is designed for those facing challenges to college enrollment and success. Oakland ACE offers students the opportunity, guidance, and support to earn an associate degree, or up to 60 transferable credits, while still in high school. Students must meet eligibility criteria and apply during 10th grade. If accepted, students add a fifth year of high school (grade 13). During grades 11, 12, and 13, students split time between courses at Novi High School and Oakland Community College. Therefore, working toward their high school diploma and an associate degree simultaneously. There is no cost to students for tuition, fees, or books. Contact the student’s assigned counselor for more information or review their website: https://www.oakland.k12.mi.us/student-programs/accelerated-college-experience-ace
Career Preparation High School
Novi Career Prep provides a nontraditional schedule with classes beginning in the midmorning. The same Michigan Merit requirements and curriculum is followed to obtain a high school diploma or credit recovery. Students must be 16 years of age to enroll. Novi High School students must receive counselor permission to enroll in the evening classes and are discouraged from doing so unless they need to make up credit deficiencies. For more information, please refer to the website: https://cp.novi.k12.mi.us/
Community Volunteer Service (CVS)
Novi High School does not require community service hours. However, many students find that volunteering in their community is a positive experience. Students have the opportunity to grow personally, gain satisfaction from helping others, and explore a future career through their volunteer work.
Any student may track community service hours earned through the Community Volunteer Service (CVS) Schoology group. The CVS Coordinator, Mrs. Schypinski, will post volunteer opportunities in this group throughout the school year. If you have an event or program looking for volunteers, please fill out the Volunteer Request Google form so that we can share a signup with our students. Signups are shared through our school wide Community Volunteer Service Schoology group and to our National Honor Society members.
Novi High School students may elect to apply for a CVS elective credit to be added to their transcript. In this case, students seek out a non-profit community organization for volunteer work experience. CVS students do not receive any transportation or monetary compensation nor do they receive any early release time. Students interested in completing the CVS elective credit must contact Mrs. Schypinksi at the beginning of the school year in which they will earn their hours. To earn an optional 1.0 elective credit, students must complete 100 volunteer hours in one calendar year in a pre-approved non-profit work site. A maximum of 25 summer hours can be counted toward the 100 hours needed for credit. Hour sheets must be submitted monthly. Credit will be granted after all signed documentation of hours are verified, along with a written paper. The written paper must be completed within two weeks after the hours are completed. A maximum of one elective credit may be earned per academic year. A maximum of two CVS credits may be earned by any student in their high school career. (Court or community ordered volunteer hours may NOT be used for credit purposes.) Twelfth grade students must have all hours submitted by April 1st of their senior year.
Credit Recovery
Edgenuity is an online credit recovery program offered for core classes during the school day. Students taking an Edgenuity credit recovery course will have a highly qualified instructor that is certified by the State of Michigan and endorsed in the subject area and grade level associated with each credit recovery course. In addition, students will have a certified Novi High School teacher who serves as an on-site mentor for students taking an Edgenuity course. Edgenuity is aligned to the national and state standards and provides a comprehensive curriculum in the core areas. To receive credit, students must earn a grade of 70% or better after completing 100% of the coursework. Students will receive credit/no credit for Edgenuity credit recovery coursework, rather than a letter grade. Counselor recommendation is required to enroll in this course.
Further information about course offerings in the Imagine Edgenuity program is available online at https://www.edgenuity.com/
Dual Enrollment
Novi High School students may take postsecondary courses that may count for both high school and college credit(s), as long as they are enrolled and attending at least one high school course. For every course a student enrolls in at the local college, the student will reduce their high school course load. For additional information, please refer to the dual enrollment packet which can be found in Schoology or talk with a counselor.
Oakland Schools Technical Campus (OSTC)
Oakland Schools Technical Campuses (OSTC) are designed for any student who wants to graduate high school with industry certifications, on-the-job experiences, business connections, and college credits. OSTC's are valuable extensions of the district high schools, and bring students customized, self-directed learning that guides them toward future career success. The goal of OSTC is to help students find the best program fit for their interests, experiences, and goals.
Students may attend OSTC during their junior and or senior year. Interested students should apply through the OSTC website. The complete list of Oakland Schools Technical Campus course offerings is posted on the OSTC website.
OSTC Students may also apply for the Oakland Technical Early College (OTEC); more details about eligible programs can be found HERE.
Summer School
A student must have prior permission of the counselor to enroll in any summer school class. If permission is not granted then credit will not be granted. Summer school classes are offered through the Novi Community Education Department and neighboring school districts. Summer school course work must be taken through a Michigan Public High School if credit is being sought. Students may earn a maximum of 2 credits from approved summer school programs in a given year.
Prior to enrolling in a summer school program outside of the Novi Community School District, it is recommended that you first meet with your counselor. Beginning spring 2024, Novi High School students will be required to complete a google form indicating their summer school enrollment.
Summer coursework taken through colleges or non-public schools will not be granted credit or placed on the high school transcript.
Virtual Options
Novi Virtual courses may be offered during the 2025-26 school year. To select these courses in your schedule, please use the correct virtual course codes listed in the Course Descriptions. Courses identified as Asynchronous will not contain daily live Zoom instruction, but will have daily assignments and pacing. All other Novi Virtual courses will have daily live Zoom instruction.
Any student selecting virtual coursework (either for their full day or part day) is required to complete a Novi High School Virtual Coursework Application which can be found in Schoology. Students taking a partial virtual schedule are required to provide their own transportation if needed mid-day.
Michigan Virtual High School (MiVHS): Courses that are not otherwise offered through Novi Virtual may be requested to be taken through MiVHS. Additional considerations must be taken which are outlined in the Novi High School Virtual Coursework Application which is required at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester.
- Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination
- Project Find, Special Education/Section 504 Notice
- Public Notice Of Nondiscrimination In Career And Technical Education Classes
Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination
Grievance Procedure for:
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Age Discrimination Act of 1975
Title II of the Americans with Disability Act of 1990
Section I
Any person believing that the Novi Community Schools or any part of the school organization has violated the laws or regulations of (1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (2) Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, (3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (4) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and (5) Title II of the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 may bring forward a complaint, which shall be referred to as a grievance to:
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Novi Community Schools
25345 Taft Road
Novi, Michigan 48374
Section II
The person who believes a valid basis for a grievance exists shall discuss the grievance informally and on a verbal basis with the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, who shall in turn investigate the complaint and reply with an answer within ten (10) business days. If the complainant feels the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved, they may initiate formal procedures according to the following steps:
Step 1
A written statement of the grievance signed by the complainant shall be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources within ten (10) business days of receipt of answers to the informal complaint. The Assistant Superintendent shall further investigate the matters of grievance if he/she believes further investigation is warranted and reply in writing to the complainant within ten (10) business days.
Step 2
A complainant wishing to appeal the decision of the Assistant Superintendent may submit a signed statement of appeal to the Superintendent of Schools within ten (10) business days after receipt of the Assistant Superintendent’s response. The Superintendent shall meet with all parties involved, formulate a conclusion, and respond in writing to the complainant within ten (10) business days.
Step 3
If unsatisfied, the complainant may appeal through a signed, written statement to the Board of Education within ten (10) business days of receiving the Superintendent’s response in Step 2. In an attempt to resolve the grievance, the Board of Education shall meet with the concerned parties and their representatives within forty (40) days of the receipt of such an appeal. A copy of the Board’s disposition of the appeal shall be sent to each concerned party within ten (10) days of this meeting.
The days noted above for purposes of this policy are days when the School District’s business office is open for business to the general public. The time limits noted above may be extended by the Assistant Superintendent if warranted.
Anyone at any time may contact the U.S. Department of Education/Office of Civil Rights for information and assistance at 216-522-4970. If the grievance has not been satisfactorily settled, further appeal may be made to the Regional U. S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 600 Superior Ave. East, Bank One Center, Suite 750, Cleveland, OH 44114-2611.
Inquiries concerning the nondiscriminatory policy may be directed to Director, Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington D.C. 20202.
The Compliance Officer, on request, will provide the complainant with a copy of the district’s grievance procedure and investigate all complaints in accordance with this procedure.
A copy of each of the Acts and the regulations on which this notice is based may be found in the Assistant Superintendent’s office.
Project Find, Special Education/Section 504 Notice
The Novi Community School District offers evaluations, programs, and services to individuals who are identified as having, or who are suspected of having, a disability as defined in either the Individuals with Disabilities Education ACT (IDEA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These services are available to eligible persons ages birth-26 who reside within or attend a K-12 school program within the Novi Community School District attendance boundaries. Referrals are accepted from parents, staff members, community agencies, and other interested parties.
For more information about available services, parent/student rights or referral procedures, contact the Novi Community School District Office of Special Education at 25345 Taft Road, Novi MI 48374, or call (248) 449-1200.
For questions about Section 504 classification, please contact your student’s assigned counselor.
Public Notice Of Nondiscrimination In Career And Technical Education Classes
Each year, the Novi Community School District offers Career and Technical Education programs at Novi High School. These programs are designed to prepare youth for a broad range of employment and training services and are offered under the guidance of certified teachers, counselors and cooperative education coordinators. The following is a list of programs being offered this year and the criteria for admission:
Marketing Program: Must begin with Marketing I
Finance Program: Must begin with Finance I or Accounting I
Like all classes at Novi Community Schools, the CTE classes follow the District’s policies of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, gender/sex, age, disability, height, weight or marital status in all programs, activities and employment. In addition, arrangements can be made to ensure that the lack of English language skill is not a barrier to admission or participation.
For general information about these programs, contact:
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
25345 Taft Rd.
Novi, Michigan 48374
Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies should be directed to:
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
25345 Taft Rd.
Novi, Michigan 48374