2025-2026 Course Catalog

Message to Students and Parents/Guardians

This catalog provides students and parents with essential information about the classes and curriculum at Novi High School. We encourage students to explore various courses while considering their future college and career paths to avoid schedule changes.

Novi High School offers a wide range of classes and activities aimed at developing well-rounded students. Choosing electives that align with their interests and future plans will help students focus their education and explore career options.

The schedule is based on course selections from the previous year, limiting opportunities for changes once set. Any necessary changes to core classes must be requested through a schedule correction form at August registration, and are subject to academic justification. Requests based on lunch preferences, teachers, or friends cannot be accommodated.

We aim to provide a meaningful and memorable high school experience for all students and their families in Wildcat Country!

General Information

Scheduling Information

Alternative Opportunities

There are a number of opportunities for students to earn credits toward high school graduation. The following options may be used for either advancement or credit recovery.