Testing Information
Over the course of high school, students will take a variety of standardized tests. Each tests may serve a different purpose. Please note that due to COVID19, some tests have been offered at different times of the year or have been optional this past year.
NWEA Testing (Grade 9 and 10)
NWEA testing is conducted twice during the school year. Students will be tested in the fall and again in the spring, to measure growth in English and math.
PSAT 8/9 (Grade 9)
The PSAT 8/9 is taken during April of 9th grade. The PSAT 8/9 measures what you're learning in school and helps determine if you're on track for high school and beyond. This is NOT a college admissions test.
PSAT 10 (Grade 10)
The PSAT 10 is offered in the spring to sophomores only. It’s a great way to check your progress, especially your math skills, so that you’ll be prepared to do your best junior year.
PSAT/NMSQT (Grade 10 and 11)
The PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) is offered in the fall. As part of the SAT Suite of Assessments, it's designed to help prepare students for the SAT, college, and careers. When taken during junior year, students who score exceptionally well can become National Merit Semifinalists. The Novi Community School District is offering all juniors this opportunity at no cost. If space allows, sophomores may also sign up for this additional practice test in the fall.
Michigan Merit Exam (Grade 11)
The SAT is a College Admissions test. The SAT measures critical reading, math and writing skills. All juniors will take the SAT in April as part of the MME. Students in any grade can also register for national Saturday test dates through the College Board website.
The ACT is a College Admissions test. The ACT measures student achievement in English, math, reading and science reasoning. The ACT is given on Saturdays several times during the school year. Interested students must register on the ACT website.
Advanced Placement (AP) Tests
The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program gives high school students an opportunity to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. Many colleges award college credit and/or advanced standing if the student achieves appropriate scores on the AP tests administered in May. Students may only self-study for world language and retake exams. For more information, please refer to the AP/IB portion of our website.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Tests
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program gives high school students an opportunity to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. Many colleges award college credit and/or advanced standing if the student achieves appropriate scores on the IB tests administered in May. Students my not self-study. For more information, please refer to the AP/IB portion of our website.
Testing Out
If students feel that they have pre-acquired skills for a course, students may request an opportunity to “test out” of a course. Testing is offered limited times during the school year. Refer to the Test Out Information portion of the website for policies, procedures, dates and registration. For more information, the student should consult with their counselor.